
Visit LandGuys.com to stay up-to-date with blogs and listings! NAVIGATING AGRICULTURAL EVOLUTION: FOREIGN OWNERSHIP VS. INSTITUTIONAL FARMLAND BUYERS IN ILLINOIS A regular topic of conversation is foreign ownership of farmland.

Morning In the Driftless of Northwest Illinois During the fall, mornings in the driftless region of northwest Illinois can afford outstanding views. Here the fog drifts across the Mississippi River

Daytime video clips of rutting vocalization from some shooter bucks!  

MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY Photo © Michael Furtman – Source: Ducks Unlimited The majority of Mississippi Flyway waterfowl are raised on the prairies of the United States and Canada, as well as

Illinois Waterfowl Season Underway Hopefully the weekend brought great things to the duck and goose hunters of Illinois. Ducks Unlimited is a wonderful resource for gear and tactics, like the

When it comes down to managing wetlands and “duck holes”; I have grown up hearing an old adage that I think will benefit some to hear – honestly, I have

Illinois corn harvest progressing well with good weather. Nearly 20% increase in the harvest progress this last week in October. Farmers continue to make the most of a mild October.

Farmland Rent Survey A recent survey of farmland rent detailed the county-by-county values for Illinois. Check your neighborhood, by county, to compare with the averages. Remember, variables such as commodity

Corn Yields Projected for Fall 2016 It’s time to think about fall harvest. Corn yield estimates, after a summer of mixed weather statewide, are shared by a recent farmer poll.

Duck Numbers Up According to DU The long term duck population averages are predicted to be topped this fall, in several key species, according to Ducks Unlimited. Start making plans