Illinois DNR Announces Deer Permit Regulations Changes
Unfilled Youth Permits Can Be Used During First Regular Firearm Season

SPRINGFIELD, IL – Participants in Illinois’ Youth Firearm Deer Season in October will be able to use unfilled permits from the youth season during the first weekend of the regular Firearm Deer Season in November, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) announced today.

The three-day Youth Firearm Deer Season, conducted during the Columbus Day holiday weekend on Oct. 10-12 this fall, is open to youth hunters who have not reached their 16th birthday prior to the hunt. Youth who purchase the $10.50 permit for the youth season and are unsuccessful in taking a deer during the youth hunt will be able to hunt with that permit during the first segment of the regular Firearm Deer Season, which this fall is Nov. 20-22.

“We want youth hunters to enjoy the excitement of deer season, and give them ample opportunity to bag a deer,” said Illinois Department of Natural Resources Director Wayne Rosenthal. “This suggestion came from hunters, and it is a great idea.”

The youth permit plan is part of amended Illinois deer hunting regulations being proposed by the IDNR for implementation this fall.

The IDNR is also proposing elimination of the non-resident single antlerless-only over-the-counter archery deer permit. IDNR will submit an amended regulation to limit the sale of those permits only to hunters who have already obtained a non-resident combination (either-sex and antlerless) archery deer permit, beginning in 2016. Non-resident single antlerless-only archery permits will be unavailable this fall, although an antlerless-only permit will still be available as part of the combination archery permit.

IDNR is also considering amending regulations to have a bag limit for archery deer hunters. A recent IDNR online survey regarding an archery deer bag limit showed broad support among those participating in the survey. More detailed questions on the bag limit idea will be included in the statewide IDNR Deer Hunter Harvest Survey in early 2016.
“Our goals for managing the deer herd in Illinois are simple,” Rosenthal added. “We want to provide hunters with opportunities to enjoy our hunting heritage and chances to harvest deer during the fall, while also promoting healthy deer and deer habitat, protecting landowner rights and enhancing public safety.”

Hunters and others interested in Illinois deer management, and in commenting on IDNR deer regulations changes, can review proposed regulations on the IDNR website at

– Per IDNR website