The Illinois chapters of Ducks Unlimited work diligently to improve habitat for migratory waterfowl. Better habitat means better waterfowl populations.
During a recent talk with the Illinois Ducks Unlimited State Chairman, the importance of both maintaining good waterfowl habitat and adding to appropriate habitat was highlighted. Ducks Unlimited has a full-time biologist on staff to help landowners understand what they can do, individually and collectively, to improve natural resources.
Give your regional LandGuy a call to talk about acquiring or improving your habitat areas. Habitat throughout the state is important. LandGuys can help you build a professional support network to assure quality waterfowl populations for generations to come.
By doing your part, and working with quality land specialists, you can enjoy some of the finest waterfowl experiences in the nation. LandGuys are here to help acquire and manage quality habitat…and share a few duck hunting stories!
See the Ducks Unlimited Fact Sheet below for more information on membership and contacts.