Illinois Wild Turkey Amazing Rebound
Early settlers enjoyed wild turkeys throughout Illinois in the 1800’s. However, by the early 1900’s wild turkeys were being pushed from habitat transitioning into fertile Illinois farmland. In 1903, Illinois legislature closed turkey hunting. It was too late. By 1910, wild turkeys were eliminated in Illinois.
Efforts to repopulate the wild turkey in Illinois began in the 1950’s, by trapping wild turkeys and relocating them to Illinois habitat. The amazing rebound of this species since the 1970’s is legendary. Now, Illinois boasts one of the most robust and healthy flocks of wild turkeys in the Midwest. Sportsman can enjoy the grandeur and canniness of this wild bird through several seasons.
On a recent visit to the LandGuys listed Henry 200 property, spring flocks displayed their mating struts in amazing numbers, as the picture shows. Take the occasion to learn more about your local wild turkey flocks and schedule a time to spend outdoors with your regional LandGuy soon.
– LT Taylor