By: Scott Whittington, Managing Broker and Owner of LandGuys

Illinois Hunting Updates and Trends for Recreational Landowners

As we get closer to hunting season, it’s a good time for recreational landowners to take a closer look at their properties and how they can maximize the value they offer. Whether you’re leasing your land for hunting or using it yourself, keeping up with the latest trends in wildlife and habitat management can make all the difference. Here’s what I’ve been seeing lately:

Deer Season Outlook

If you’re in Illinois and you own land, you know that deer season is a big deal. The IDNR has been reporting solid deer numbers, with over 157,000 deer harvested last season—the second-highest in a decade. If you’re managing your land for deer, this is the time to make sure everything’s set—whether that’s food plots, maintaining trails, or just making sure your hunters have clear access (Illinois Department of Natural Resources) (Outdoor Illinois Journal).

Waterfowl and Upland Game Hunting

Illinois sits right in the path of the Mississippi Flyway, which means we get a front-row seat to some of the best waterfowl hunting in the country. If you’ve got wetlands or water sources on your land, that’s a big draw for hunters. And let’s not forget upland game. I’ve seen a lot of interest in pheasant and quail hunting recently, especially as state programs have helped bring populations back. If you’re looking to make the most out of your land, consider what kind of habitats you’re maintaining—it makes a difference (Outdoor Illinois Journal).

Habitat Improvement

One thing I’ve been noticing is more landowners getting serious about improving their habitats. It’s not just about making the property look good; it’s about drawing in more wildlife. Programs like the CRP are great for this—offering financial incentives to plant native grasses and create food plots that wildlife love. These improvements not only help with hunting but can also boost your property value if you’re ever thinking about selling down the road (Outdoor Illinois Journal).

A Strong Investment

Recreational land, especially for hunting, is still in high demand. With millions of hunters in the U.S., properties that are well-maintained and managed for wildlife are getting top dollar. If you’re considering selling or leasing your land, it’s worth thinking about what you can do to maximize the hunting potential. It could be as simple as maintaining access or enhancing the habitat; however, either way, it’s an investment that pays off (Outdoor Illinois Journal).












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  • Illinois Department of Natural Resources. (2023). Annual Deer Harvest Reports. Retrieved from IDNR. 
  • Outdoor Illinois Journal. (2023). 2023-2024 Illinois Deer Hunting Forecast. Retrieved from Outdoor Illinois.