Whistling wings always make us remember the words of Havilah Babcock, in “My Health is Better in November”….every bird seems on the move and every day filled with opportunity afield.
Here, waterfowl setups are ready for mallards on the move, near Roberts, Illinois.
Strong winds and chilling temperatures made for great moments and active birds.
Candid shots, courtesy of Curtis Linder of the Field and Stream Group from the Union League Club of Chicago, showcase the anticipation of a great decoy layout and the excellent results of perfect retrieves.
Contact your regional LandGuy to see what adventures may await you, as you plan to develop your own plan for “better health in November” while enjoying the sound of prairie winds and waterfowl overhead in Illinois.
“Bird hunting is a social pastime, not a solitary adventure. It takes at least two to do it right; companionship is half the adventure.” — from Jaybirds Go to Hell on Friday by Havilah Babcock